Me: Chloe, who says, "Moo?"
Chloe: Mooo. Cow.
Me: Who says, "woof woof woof?"
Chloe: wHoo wHoo wHoo. Bobo.
Me: That's right. Bluebell is a dog. Dogs say woof woof woof. Who says, "Meow?"
Chloe: Meow (super high pitched). Killy Cat!
Me: Who says "Baa?"
Chloe: Baa! Heep.
Me: Who says, "Ribbit?"
Chloe: Hog (frog)
Me: Who says, "Oink Oink?"
Chloe: Oink Oink. Pig.
Me: Who says, "Neeeeigh?"
Chloe: Neeeigh! Horse.
Me: Who says, "Whaa Whaa Whaa!" (To the tune of "The Wheels On The Bus")
Chloe: Whaa Whaa. Baby!
That's awesome. Now you need to teach her "Hook'em" :0)
So great! Nice job, chattering little princess!
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