Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Barrel Roll and Yard Work

Two new beers currently grace the beer fridge in the Hendrickson garage. Dave, our friends, and I are all enjoying

Dave's currently buying recipe kits from Northern Brewer. The kit comes with all the ingredients he'll need to make a 5 gallon batch of beer. He wants to try all sorts of beers before he starts experimenting with ingredients and developing his own recipes. We're enjoying the variety of beers he's creating and the fact that they're all his. We haven't bought a store beer since his kit arrived at Christmas.

His Petit Saison is described on Northern Brewer's website: This session-strength Saison of summer pours tawny-gold and perfumes the air with tangy yeast and pungent hop aromas. The flavor is lightly earthy with spicy, flowery hops and a grain-and-bread malt character; caramel malt dukes it out with Saaz and Styrian Goldings through the middle before a palate-cleansingly dry finish.

It's really light and refreshing. One of my favorites.

His second new creation is Dave's Barrel Roll. This one was kind of exciting to make because it took a pretty long time. It was fermenting for a week or two before he even started his Yard Work. And we'd already tasted Yard Work before this one was done! Plus, he got to use a new technique. He bought some Kentucky bourbon and soaked oak chips in it for a few days before adding them to the beer. They soaked in the beer for a while before bottling. Dave likes this one a lot. It's super dark and strong.

Here's the online description for his Bourbon Barrel: Mike Ward, NB alumnus and current expatriate, devised this recipe by adding bourbon-infused oak cubes (plus the bourbon) to a stronger-than-average robust porter. Cryptic tasting notes indicate that this may have been the best beer ever. You supply the bourbon; Mike recommends Maker's Mark. The intense aroma and flavor of toasted American oak and the sweet graininess of good bourbon meld with the bittersweet roastiness of porter to make for a very characterful beer.

Not really my taste. But he did something fun and mixed Barrel Roll with Yard Work and....bada bing! Yum-a-licious!

Dave's already talking about his second career. He wants to open a pub in Centerville and sell his beer creations. I'm glad he enjoys his new hobby :-)

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