Friday, August 17, 2012

First Day of School!

The first day of school 2012 was an exciting one! Solana moved up from PVN to Stingley Elementary since she's a big 2nd grader now! And Chloe began PreSchool at PVS. Their buses are scheduled 5 minutes apart (7:33 and 7:38) so we all go out together to wait. I anticipated that putting Chloe on the bus might be emotionally difficult so I jokingly mentioned to Dave that I needed his support. He came home from work the next day that he was taking the day off. What a good husband :-)

7:30 arrived and we were running a bit late (that's my way) but I knew the buses would be running a few minutes late on the first day so we weren't as frantic as usual :-)

Look at these big girls!!!
 Solana strikes a pose.

 Bumblebee for Chloe Bea.

As it turned out, I was right about the buses being late. Solana's was a half hour late. We're not sure why but it showed up as our neighbor was explaining to us, "I just called Transportation and they said for us to just take our girls to school." Her daughter and Solana quickly boarded and then we realized we forgot to take pictures of them getting on :-(

The girls got pretty bored.

We called Transportation about Chloe's bus and discovered that her driver forgot about her! Actually, she was added to his route the day before and he forgot to pick up his new route that included her. He came back for her and she got on her bus an hour late. I was glad they sent him back out because she would have pitched a fit if we tried to put her in the van. 
 Here she is - excited to ride the bus! I think these pictures were taken simultaneously by Dave and me. There's a lady (an aide) who buckles her in and sits back there with her every day.

Day 1 down. Chloe's teacher called and informed me that it went well. She loves school and they're going to get her to the nurses office once a day for drops. This is just precautionary so that her eyes don't dry out at school causing her contacts to fall or get rubbed out of her eyes.

Solana reported a successful first day at Stingley but it's difficult to get too many details out of her so we'll leave it at that. She seemed happy so that's good :-)

Now to decide how I'm going to spend my luxurious 3 1/2 hours a day M-Th alone...Bonbons? Soaps? I'm not sure but I suspect it will involve lots of laziness and pampering. That's how it works when your kids go to school, right? I'm almost certain...

1 comment:

Holbergs said...

I'm literally laughing about your last few sentences there! I can't wait for your next post with pics of the angry stay-home moms holding signs outside of your house yelling. Of course, they'll have curlers in their hair, wearing houserobes, and holding their bonbons! heehee!