Friday, December 16, 2011


I always check on the girls before I go to bed. Over the past year I've found Solana in many interesting positions. There was a good two months where Dave had to pick her up and put her back in bed at least twice a week. She'd either rolled off of created a pallet to sleep on the floor.

I call this one "Legs."

I call this one "Ears"

Last night might be her most interesting yet. I call this one "Cocoon." She was literally hanging from her own little cocoon. Thank goodness the wooden rails under the top bunk were strong enough to hold her weight. Can you see her weight on the right side of the cocoon? Her feet are pressed into the comforter and facing the camera.

Here's a side view. That dark spot inside the comforter is her hair.

A better shot of her inside her cocoon. It wasn't easy getting her out and I wasn't thrilled about the added chore when I was ready to go to bed. But I was impressed with her ingenuity and persistence. She'd been wanting to create a cocoon for quite a while...


Mel said...

Get the kid a hammock!

The Hillbergs said...

thats like those anne geddes photos!!

Emily and Troy Williams said...

Sometimes I think Solana and Michael are just kids from another mother. Michael cracked one of the slats on his bunk because he tied his sheet to it. Of course, he wasn't making a cocoon, but a swing from which Spiderman could swing out of the bed in an 'emergency'. Gotta love creative kiddos!

Megan B ♥ said...

Oh my!!! Ha ha ha! THAT IS AWESOME!

A Goldsworthy Note said...

That's pretty impressive! The ears crack me up. Just watch looks like you have a little Cynthia on your hands. Just make sure you keep Mr. Wizzard off of the television. hahaha.