Friday, July 15, 2011

Pajamas That Fit

I accidentally put some of Chloe's pajamas in Solana's drawer. She came out of her room tonight super excited and asked if I bought her new pajamas. I felt so bad but told her that they're Chloe's 12-18 month size pajamas. She insisted that they would fit and I laughed hysterically while arguing with her. I was laughing so hard, in fact, that I couldn't muster up the strength to stop her as she put them on. My laughter increased with each limb that entered the pajamas.

"They fit Mommy. Look! They fit PERFECTLY!"

"Ummm. No. No they don't. Hahahaha!"

"Yes! They really fit. Can't you see that they fit? (giggle giggle)"

"Hahahaha! No Mija. They really don't."


"Hahahahaha! I'm getting my camera. This is totally going on the blog! Hahahaha!"


The Hillbergs said...

LOVE it!!!! I've seen some people wearing outfits tighter than that!

carol anne said...

and they look GOOD!

Anonymous said...

Tight squeeze. But they are cute PJs

Holbergs said...

Want to hear something REALLY crazy? Those were Mia's! Ha!!!! I can't believe she squeezed into those little pajamas! I'm not showing Mia this blog entry, or she'll try that and rip something!

Anonymous said...

Que hermoso culo de ángel esa ya merece recibir hombre por delante y por detrás

Anonymous said...

the scent of her butt cheeks must be intoxicating

Anonymous said...

Perfect little ass

Anonymous said...

Spank her raw

Anonymous said...

Get me some tight girl pussy