The Victim
We are: Dave (Daddy), Cyndi (Mommy), Solana (2nd Grader), and identical twins Chloe (Pre-K'er and former micro-preemie) and Leila (angel). I began blogging at Our Young Shoot when Chloe was born at 24weeks and 1pound 7oz. I had no idea what was in store for us but I'm so glad to have documented her 5 month NICU adventure. I decided I enjoy blogging and am now keeping this one as a way to document memories for our girls and to share fun stories and pictures for friends and family members.
Awwwww, poor little plaintiff! owie!
Poor Baby! Is she okay?
She's fine :-) I put neosporin on it and it keeps building up a nice little crusty but she keeps rubbing it off. Hopefully, it'll heal quickly without too much of a scab for her to pick... We also got her contact this afternoon so I shouldn't have to put her glasses on her for a while.
Maybe she and Mikey could make a club?
The Who Can Bonk My Head/Scar My Face The Most Club!
Actually, Megan, Chloe didn't press charges. It was the DA's Office that decided to pursue the case. LOL!
I think the defendent lied.
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